Immersion, Silence, Meditation.

Jérémie Martineau is an audiovisual artist and researcher based in London/Montreal. His work develops a multidisciplinary approach, bridging together digital art and concert music through the integration of acoustic, electronic, visual, spatial and scenographic dimensions. His recent research interests surround immersion, meditation, silence, spatial audio and videomusic.

 Following a desire to reform the concert experience, his compositional approach is based on the immersion of both the audience and the performer(s) during the concert experience, but also within the compositional process itself. This immersive experience is not only achieved through the performer(s) and the sounds produced, but through everything that is to be heard, seen, and felt.

 His work and research, previously supervised by Jimmie LeBlanc and Myriam Boucher and now Andrew Knight-Hill and Emma Margetson, have notably been presented at the University of Montreal, the Montreal Symphony House, and the University of Greenwich. He recently won the JTTP award from the Canadian Electroacoustic Community for his work Distractions, Horizons.

Image by Antoine Saito

Image by Antoine Saito

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